Fundraising Event in aid of SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society)

26 April 2025

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12 August 2024

Children's Entertainment Booked

We have sorted the kids entertainment for the afternoon. Details on this page. 

Now it's a case of tying down the adults entertainment. We have some exciting plans and as soon as confirmed will post details here.

Children's Entertainment

Whilst at the fundraiser the adults will be doing adult things, we have arranged a programme of entertainment for children present.

Our booked entertainers are Joseph Booton and Kwaku Tieku.

Joseph Booton

Joseph is a professional puppeteer and has been performing his traditional Punch and Judy shows since 2013. Find out more here

He is also is an actor who has appeared on TV, in films and TV commercials.

Joseph's performance is sponsored by Jon Clegg, comedian and impressionist, best known as a finalist on Britain's Got Talent in 2014.

Kwaku Tieku

Kwaku is a seasoned singer-pianist and keyboardist who has performed at venues around the world to audience ranging all age groups. He will be performing an interactive show that will get the children involved. Tess knows him from her place of work where he entertains children with special needs. 

You can find out more about him here.